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Dear User, Polifarma Benessere informs you that for commercial reasons you will receive an answer as soon as possible. For health reasons or medical conditions related to products sold by Polifarma Benessere, we kindly invite you to consult your doctor in the first instance. We remind you also that Polifarma Benessere in any case cannot provide directly to patients, either by phone or by email, any information on its drugs.


Via Laurentina, 289
Roma (RM) 00142 – Italia
T: +39 06 59606370
F: +39 06 5431281

We remind you that we cannot provide any information on Polifarma Benessere Srl drugs directly to the users, neither by phone nor by e-mail. If the request concerns questions of health or medical conditions related to the products of Polifarma Benessere Srl, we invite you to consult your doctor.

